Configuration guide


You can configure session factory in 2 steps:

  1. Pick desired session features and add corresponding SQL Alchemy ORM Classes (Mixins) to the bases list of your model.

    The library will detect mixin combination and enable corresponding session features.


    It’s much better to exclude mixins of features that you are not planning to use:

    • your database will save some resources
    • the library will run a bit less code
    • if you accidentally try to enable a timeout setting that depends on a missing mixin, you will get explicit error at startup instead of a runtime error.
  2. Apply session settings - globally, or per-session (if the setting is configurable at runtime). Global settings are provided at startup, and per-session settings use global settings as defaults. In case global settings are not provided, library defaults will be used as globals. (see Configuration settings reference)


Timeout-related features have settings also deciding if the feature is enabled or not:

  • idle_timeout
  • absolute_timeout
  • renewal_timeout

For these features, even if corresponding mixin is included, the feature will not work when the setting value is None.

Model configuration

In the following example we configure a session storing user ID, having non-runtime-configurable Absolute Timeout and runtime-configurable Idle Timeout. The example also showcases:

  • ability to customize model columns - we use UUID as User ID instead of the default integer.
  • eager-loading of the user object.
from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from pyramid_sqlalchemy_sessions import (
# Using default declarative Base provided by the cookiecutter.
from .meta import Base

class Session(
    __tablename__ = 'session'

    userid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(''))
    # user instance loaded automatically when user is logged in.
    user = relationship('User', backref='sessions', lazy='joined')


Runtime-configurable features mixins subclass their non-configurable versions, so you don’t need to include both.


Don’t forget to add DB indexes to your session table! The library doesn’t provide one, as it’s difficult to create universal index solution for all mixin configurations and different DB engines.

Working with settings

Some settings only meant to be set once and forgotten, such as cookie_name or dbsession_name. But most other settings are accessable and even configurable at runtime (if the corresponding session model mixin is enabled).

You can access current session settings using the settings object:

# Read
idle_timeout = request.session.settings.idle_timeout
# Settings is also a dict-like object.
absolute_timeout = request.session.settings['absolute_timeout']

By default you can only read the settings. But when you enable a runtime-configurable feature, it’s settings can be changed also:

# Suppose configurable cookie settings feature is enabled.
# You need to put settings in editable mode first.
request.session.settings.cookie_max_age = 12345
# When you are done, you need to save it.
# Settings are always validated before saving.
# You can use settings as context manager so that edit and save
# is called automatically
with request.session.settings as s:
    s['cookie_max_age'] = 54321


Currently changing of settings works only for a new session, otherwise you will get a SettingsError exception.


The session implementation provided by the library is lazy, and will not persist clean session, so any changes of settings for such sessions also won’t be persisted in the DB.

Configuration settings reference

Required settings

secret_key : str

This setting is required by default serializer when the library includeme() function runs.

Not meant to be accessible at runtime.

serializer : object

Controls what serializer to use. Only needed if you want to configure session factory manually and to skip the includeme().

Not meant to be accessible at runtime.

model_class : class

Controls what model to use to store session data in the DB. Should be a dotted Python name referencing the class (if provided by default way of configuration, e.g. through the ini file) or the class object itself (may need to use this option if you are configuring the session factory manually).

Not meant to be accessible at runtime.

Optional settings (settings with library defaults)

dbsession_name : str

Session code will try to access SQLAlchemy session as an attribute of request using this name.

Not meant to be accessible at runtime.

Default: dbsession

cookie_name : str

Name of the session cookie (will appear in Cookie and Set-Cookie headers). See WebOb and RFC 6265 for details.

Not meant to be accessible at runtime.

Default: session

cookie_max_age : int or None

How long the browser will store the cookie. None is for non-persistent cookie. See WebOb and RFC 6265 for details.

Default: None

cookie_path : str

Path of the session cookie. Can be a valid path only (starting with /). See WebOb and RFC 6265 for details.

Default: /

cookie_domain : str or None

Domain of the session cookie. See WebOb and RFC 6265 for details.

Default: None

cookie_secure : bool

Boolean flag instructing the browser to send cookie in HTTPS mode only. See WebOb and RFC 6265 for details.

Default: False

cookie_httponly : bool

Boolean flag instructing the browser to prevent scripts accessing the cookie. See WebOb and RFC 6265 for details.

Default: True

idle_timeout : int or None

Controls idle timeout value. See Idle Timeout for detailed explanation.

Default: None

absolute_timeout : int or None

Controls absolute timeout value. See Absolute Timeout for detailed explanation.

Default: None

renewal_timeout : int or None

Controls renewal timeout value. See Renewal Timeout for detailed explanation.

Default: None

renewal_try_every : int

When Renewal Timeout feature is working, the library will try to renew the session every renewal_try_every seconds until success. See Renewal Timeout for detailed explanation.

Default: 5

extension_delay : int or None

When Idle Timeout feature is working, the library will not try hard to extend the session more often than every extension_delay seconds. See Idle Timeout for detailed explanation.

Default: None

extension_chance : int

When Idle Timeout feature is working, the library will extend the session randomly, using extension_chance chance (in percents). See Idle Timeout for detailed explanation.

Default: 100

extension_deadline : int

When Idle Timeout feature is working, and extension_chance < 100 the library will extend the session after reaching the extension_deadline timeout, as if extension_chance was 100. See Idle Timeout for detailed explanation.

Default: 1